獅子和老鼠 The Lion and mouse

獅子和老鼠 The Lion and mouse




You must have friends like this, who feel like old pals from the very first meeting, with an unexplainable sense of harmony and mutual care!

Lion and Mouse are exactly that kind of great friends! One day, they opened a storybook, and the story inside went like this: "A long, long time ago, on the grasslands, a lion fell asleep, and a mouse hopped onto him. The lion suddenly woke up, grabbed the mouse, and was about to eat it. The mouse begged for mercy and promised to repay the kindness if its life was spared. The lion chuckled disdainfully and let the mouse go. Not long after, the lion's life was indeed saved by the mouse. It turned out the lion had been captured by a hunter and tied to a tree with ropes. The mouse heard its cries, went over, and gnawed through the ropes, setting the lion free." Lion and Mouse closed the storybook, exchanged smiles, and were very happy. It turned out they had known each other for a very, very long time!